Advisory on Extension of Visa


(Foreigner Registration- 01 May 2020)

The Cambodian Interior Ministry’s General Department of Immigration has announced that it will NOT ISSUE VISA EXTENSIONS for foreigners who are not registered on the Foreigner’s Present in Cambodia System (FPCS) by 1 July 2020. The newly introduced measure is aimed to manage foreigner’s information at the time of their arrival in Cambodia at any entry point and record their data till they leave the country.

2. The FPSC Cambodia App is free to be downloaded at :



3. The video tutorial for use of the new app is available on (video is in Khmer while images are in English text):

4. Steps for registration:

i. Create an account (Phone number, Password);

ii. Upload a copy of your passport;

iii. Verify information

iv. Enter valid phone number and password;

v. Verify

vi. Add information about accommodation

5. Phnom Penh Municipal and all provincial police chiefs have been asked to inform landlords to report foreigners staying in their houses so that they are listed in the FPCS. We advise that you check with your landlord to confirm that they have registered you on the app. If you do not have a landlord or he has not registered you then you should register yourself on the app.
